5 New Years Resolutions For Job Seekers in 2021

New Years is the perfect time to shed bad habits, and positively affect your career. This past year has been extremely difficult, especially for job seekers, which is why it’s important to create manageable and realistic resolutions. If you’re serious about finding a job, treat this New Year as an opportunity to set goals that could make an incredible outcome on your future.  It’s time to dump the gym memberships and create a New Years resolution for your career.

I Will Find A Career I Love

A job is something you will be committed to for a very long time, so you want to make sure it’s something you enjoy. Figure out what it is you really want to do, then figure out how to do what you really want to do. Pursuing a career that you are passionate about will not only make job searching a lot easier, but interviews will be a lot less stressful.

I Will Set Goals

Once you’ve narrowed down your favored career path, make a plan and set goals. Taking steps is extremely important to reaching a final goal. Diving in headfirst and applying to a job you find interesting, is not an effective approach. Try making a list of things to do before applying. Research companies you connect with and reach out to some of the employees through networking. Update your resume and cover letters. Build a website or portfolio and begin to brand yourself. All of these things will make applying for a job much more convincing.

I Will Expand My Network

Like we say over and over again, networking is critical in job searching. The more connections you have, the greater referrals you’ll get. The more referrals, the more likely your name will be brought to a hiring manager’s attention.

I Will Update My Resume

Review your resume and make sure the skillsets and job experience is in an order that’s relevant to your career path. Check the formatting to highlight who you are, have the font be a size 10 or 12, review professional templates for ideas and recommendations. Check that all your contact info is up to date, and double check (even triple check) for grammatical errors.

I Will Stay Dedicated

Staying dedicated to job searching can be difficult. Try devoting certain hours of the day to working on your resume, networking, or job searching. Treat is as an accomplishment. If you get overwhelmed, reach out to friends for advice, or find a recruiter.  Recruiters are a great way to narrow down jobs that are perfect for you, so your time and efforts are well spent.

Good luck and Happy New Year!

What other new year’s resolutions should job seekers keep in mind for 2021? Share now in our comments!